The Nature Conservancy

A shout out:

If you've never heard of or checked out The Nature Conservancy, ladies and gentleman, now is the time. They're involved in important work all over the world, and if you love yourself some unspoiled places, it's likely that they've had a hand or at least a finger in either the preservation of that locale or the preservation of public opinion that such sanctuaries matter. In Minnesota alone, TNC has helped conserve more than 500,000 acres of wild habitat. That's no small field of grass. And the photography they post? Let's just say it's not ugly.

There are plenty of other strong organizations out there, too. Please leave a link in the comments if you think there's one in particular I need to know about!


  1. The Nature Conservancy really does great work. I can't help putting a plug in for the organization I work for, the Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness ( We work to keep the BWCAW wild through education and advocacy. Cheers!

  2. Wonderful! I have heard of FBWW, and it seems like a great organization. The Boundary Waters are so special. Thanks for doing what you do, Greg (and thanks for reading!).

  3. Emily - Thanks! We're fortunate to have so many good environmental groups in the state and it reflects how important such issues are to so many Minnesotans.

    I've been very much enjoying reading your blog. I really need to get back in the swing of things on my site. Keep up the good words!


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