Plant Literate #2: Squill

Here's the truth: I hardly know what to write here, or for that matter really want to write anything, because I am simply so satisfied with the walk I just had. Wildflowers! Nothing against the Snowdrops. They were all about hope, which I desperately needed the day I found them in the Arb, but today there was color everywhere. Yes, still a lot of brown. But also SO MUCH GREEN. So many little plants pushing up up up up up up up. And when I came across these purplely-blue bells and white-blue stars carpeting whole stretches of earth, I literally gasped. That is how much of a nut I am.

The Siberian Squill and Striped Squill made my day. They are number two on my Thirty Before Thirty list, and I love them. They remind me of eyelashes. That is all.


  1. First, beautiful photographs. Each one really portrays the beauty of spring flowers. But what I am really amazed at is the enthusiasm of your writing. It is simply infectious. I read this and wanted to run outdoors! Thank you. Thank you.

  2. Stunning! Where did you find these beauties?

  3. Aren't they amazing? I was at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. They're not native to MN, but if the pros can grow 'em here, I'm certainly going to try!


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