"Your Hands"

When your hands go out,
love, toward mine,
what do they bring me flying?
Why did they stop
at my mouth, suddenly,
why do I recognize them
as if then, before,
I had touched them,
as if before they existed
they had passed over
my forehead, my waist?

Their softness came
flying over time,
over the sea, over the smoke,
over the spring,
and when you placed
your hands on my chest,
I recognized those golden
dove wings,
I recognized that clay
and that color of wheat.

All the years of my life
I walked around looking for them.
I went up the stairs,
I crossed the roads,
trains carried me,
waters brought me,
and in the skin of the grapes
I thought I touched you.
The wood suddenly
brought me your touch,
the almond announced to me
your secret softness,
until your hands
closed on my chest
and there like two wings
they ended their journey.

-- By Pablo Neruda

For my dear brother and his darling in honor of their new marriage. 
Much love to you both!


  1. My absolute favorite poet. I bought one of his early editions as my first present to my wife Maureen when we first started dating. Wonderful poem.

  2. Mine, too, Bill! My husband and I purchased The Captain's Verses the day we became engaged. I always feel like I can touch Neruda's poems with my hands.


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