The Backcountry Journal

New Reader/Follower/Bookmark Alert, especially for those of you with a penchant for the outdoors:

Editor Ben Smith was kind enough to include my essay "Winter, Walking" in the early stages of The Backcountry Journal, a wonderful online composite of place-inspired words and images. There's great stuff here: hiking, fishing, hunting, exploration. Do hope you check it out. And hope you're enjoying the snow!


  1. I loved your essay over at Backcountry Journal. And I'm glad to have found your blog as a result. Do you have a Follow, or Follow by Email feature? I don't want to miss anything now. :) Cheers!

  2. Hi Erin -- Thanks for the kind comment! I feel pretty fortunate to have hooked up with TBJ. And I've just added the Follow by Email feature. (Good idea!) I've signed up on your feed as well, and I'm looking forward to future posts!

  3. Divinely good, Emily! And filled me with remorse for not having stepped out fully into our first snow least I got to go along with you.

  4. Walking together means twice the fun! Thanks for reading, R.

  5. Wonderful, Emily! Thanks so much for adding that! And glad to have you reading as well.

  6. Wonderful. And such a nice connection for you. Thank you for sharing this with all of us lucky readers

  7. Congratulations, Emily! Your ability to appreciate the natural world via your words is a gift. Lovely writing.

  8. Thanks, Bill. I thought of you when I came across The Backcountry Journal. They might like some of your work, too.

    And also, for you readers-of-ages-ago, an earlier draft of "Winter, Walking" did appear on this blog as "Dreaming" last November. Repurposing words: a good idea, I think, just like repurposing solid old wood. (Or something.) :)

  9. Thanks so much, Audrey. I always enjoy reading your creations, too.

  10. Wonderful to see all the attention your lovely words are receiving, Emily! I'm coming to this late as I always forget to check my subscriptions in Google reader, so I'm grateful if there is an email subscription option as well. Having your thoughts and words drop into the inbox will be a far more delightful way to begin the day. And as it's late here, I'm savouring 'Winter, Walking' for tomorrow morning when frost will have glazed the garden. Hope all is well with you, and I'm delighted to see so many talking about your essay. Best wishes from here...

  11. Thanks, as always, Julian. I'm glad the email subscription function is working for some folks. Also, I hope you check out the other essays on TBJ, too. Good stuff!

  12. Simply wonderful essay; I've left my comment over there but wanted to say thanks for the walk! Interesting looking journal as well; will certainly be reading some more. Cheers!

  13. hi just registered ,, tina

  14. Thank you for commenting in both places, Julian. So appreciate the support.

    And great to have you, Tina! Hope you enjoy the (irregular) posts.


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