London: In Photos


  1. Enjoyed these photographs! I especially liked the third one.

    1. Thanks, Andee. That third one was all luck (and maybe obedience class?). I'm pretty ehhhh at taking good photos of moving objects. :)

  2. A quick set of photo captions from the top down:
    1) Big Ben from Trafalgar Square
    2) Crazy old swords inside the Tower of London
    3) Hyde Park
    4) Around Spitafields Market
    5) Disorienting (in a good way) traffic laws
    6) Tower Bridge
    7) Spitafields Market
    8) Camden Market
    9) Westminster Cathedral
    10) Millenium Bridge and St. Paul's Cathedral
    11) Globe Theater stage ceiling
    12) River Thames
    13) Indian food
    14) Westminster Cathedral

  3. These are lovely - many thanks. You seem to have captured the essence of a complex and diverse city remarkably well. Sometimes, it takes an 'outsider' to see the characteristics of a place. And the indian meal made me drool......

    1. The Indian meal makes me drool! Still! And what a nice compliment from you, Ian. This is just a quick look and a few photos, but I did like the energy that I found in just about every place I stepped.

  4. Ah, these are lovely photos! I could go for some grey weather right about now.


    1. Ah, the grey days of London. :) The weather seems very much a part of things there. And yes, after this heat bath I've come home to, I'd enjoy a bit of rain, as well.

  5. Details and perspective make for another set of mighty fine photos. Well done, Emily. Again.

  6. I'm assuming you had a meal at the Indian place, rather than stopping by "Traditional Foods of Britain". Smart choice, from my perspective. ;)

    I loved my stays in London, and you've evoked a few memories here. Westminster and St. Paul's were lovely - did any of your group do a tombstone rubbing? I confess I was more fond of Wren's parish churches - just beautiful in their simplicity and filled with light.

    Those swords are cool I never got inside the Tower - there's so much to see and do it's impossible to get to it all!

    1. So true, Linda. We were there for four nights, and it wasn't possible to get it all in of course, especially the museums. I could have wandered around the British Museum for days. And yes, Indian food all the way. Delicious. No tombstone rubbings that I know of, but now you've just given me one more reason to return!

  7. Beautiful pictures! I like when I'm not sure why the photographer made a certain shot, but rather, all I know is I'm glad they did. Cool stuff. Cheerio!

  8. Emily:

    As they say in Scotland, "nice captures!"

    I will be looking for the landmarks you highlighted when I view the London Olympics.

    Welcome home.


    1. Thanks, Richard. I always like the Olympics, but they're going to be extra special for me this year since I will undoubtedly recognize certain places where I so recently walked. It's good to be in the moment when traveling, but it's also a distinct pleasure to remember from afar.

  9. So much to see and soak up and linger over, and I mean these recent posts as much as London, where I was only a few weeks ago. I have a lot of catching up here, but it seemed apt to arrive with images of the city where I used to live featured first, a city I went back to and felt part of again, perhaps more so than when I lived there. Your journey has taken you inwards as well as out; that much I can tell from the exuberance of your latest words and images. Can't wait to see what emerges once it's all settled and distilled, Emily.

    P.S. It was lovely to read what the kids made of their own brought a great smile to my day!

    1. Hi Julian, glad to have you here again. Summer is a busy time, no? I'm glad you enjoyed being back in London. It was my first visit there, and I did love the history and pace and color of it. So much to take in! I do hope I get some time here before the summer has completely passed to just sit and think and let it, as you say, distill. Hope you've been well!

  10. Thank you very much! :)

    i love your photos! they really make me want to travel to all the beautiful places you are travelling to! :)

    1. Photos always do that for me, Darleen. It's nice to travel vicariously sometimes, isn't it? No jet lag that way. :) Glad you stopped by LoCW!

  11. Great photos and quite timely! I've only been to London once and only for 2 days. Not nearly long enough!

    1. Thanks, MM. I just watched the opening ceremonies for the Olympics, and it was a sweet little thrill to recognize places where I'd just stood. The world is SMALL. So grateful I've been able to get out and experience a bit of it.

  12. These are so beautiful. I want to go to London so much my bones ache.


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