
Listen: after a long day's work
the land is stretching its body
exhaling toward sleep and white dreams


  1. What a beautiful way to look toward winter!

    1. I bit more optimistic, I hope, than "everything is dying." :)

  2. Beautiful, simply beautiful, even if I don't particularly like winter.

  3. Winter brings dormancy for many plants, hardship for wildlife, and the cold, hard reality that life is not easy for those who must endure ice, wind, and deep snow. There is beauty in our savage seasons. It seems like a miracle each time spring plucks its head through the cold, cold earth.

    1. Beauty in a Salvage Season: sounds like a book I would like to read! I was talking this week with someone from California, and we discussed weather: how it is important in some areas and less in others. I love living in a state where I'm never fully sure how the landscape will change from morning to evening. Last winter was so mild; what will this one bring?

  4. beautiful words. "the land is stretching its body"....sigh sigh sigh.

    1. I hear it particularly in the recently bare branches and the shuffling of leaves.

  5. The land is sometimes wiser than people. It knows how to stretch and turn, and sheds its seasons as easily as a peaceful sleeper sheds the cares of the day.

    As I've grown older, autumn has replaced spring as my favorite season. I suspect there are reasons for that.

    1. Beautifully said. And yes: one of the reasons I love nature is because there is metaphor everywhere.

  6. It's a beautiful tribute to the changing of seasons and the awaiting of the winter to arrive. I love all the seasons and now I am looking forward to winter and the "white dreams". Very nice pictures of the last moments of autumn.

    1. Thanks, Munchow. Every season has something to offer, doesn't it? My summer and fall went so unspeakably fast, that I can hardly believe snow could come any day to us Minnesotans. The lesson in that? Be present, always.

  7. Gorgeous! Thanks for the mini-vacation today!

    1. One of my favorite parts of viewing other people's photos, too! Happy to provide one for you.

  8. That is beautiful, Emily! I feel the winter coming on, too...after a few more days of strangely mild weather. So glad I discovered your blog!

    1. Glad you happened by, PP! We've had mild weather, also. Last night I woke up to thunder storms and lightning. Wonderfully odd. Love those between-season surprises.

  9. This post encouraged me to spend the afternoon in the woods with my camera. Thank you! It, your post, was just what I needed. Love your pictures and words.

    1. Ahh, what a fine thing! Thanks for sharing this with me. :)

  10. Oh, winter is almost here in Alaska. But I just took photos of the last leaves, blowing from the branches in my yard, and I exhaled...a long resignation to what is to come. Termination dust on the mountains! Beautiful post, Emily.

    1. There is another image: each flying leaf an exhale headed off to some other place. Maybe it flies 'round the world and enters our lungs again in the spring, full of the energy of travel and growth? Thanks for the comment, Monica. Hope all is well in Alaska!


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