Waning Days

Research papers in and graded, To Kill a Mockingbird spins on, bran muffins fresh from the oven, one more walk. Good days, brown and scented with the end of fall. The snow is coming, friends. Cocoa, a blanket on my belly, deep dark, and settling in:  ahead ahead ahead ahead ahead ahead ahead. Time for music.


  1. Such beautiful pics, love them all! :-)

  2. Wonderful photos, the first and last are my favorites.

    I like that you write about what comforts you. A perfect time to take care of yourself. Being content and looking forward to events of significance is right where you should be right now. Wonderful.

    1. It's easy to be comforted on a 50' day in December. I'd love a white Christmas, but I don't mind these more moderate temperatures...at least for a while longer...makes the walking and contemplating and outdoor-contentedness that much more attainable (at least for me; I have a feeling some snow and cold temps wouldn't stop your wooded winter walks for a moment :).

    2. Looks like your wishes have been granted, did you not just have a snow storm?

    3. Yes, we have piles and piles of snow outside. I love it! The cold temps have kept the heavy wet on the branches, too, so it is lovely lovely. The ice has kept my off-balanced-self from walking about with a camera, though, so you'll just have to trust me, at least for a now. :)

    4. Physically off-balance maybe, not so in any other way! Yes, staying off the ice is a good idea. Looking forward to some photos. I forgot what snow looks like!

  3. Who knew brown tones could be so comforting? And your words, as always, so comforting and beautiful and poetic.

    1. Agreed. I love the brown in these photos. And as for being a comforting color, they do remind me of certain warm beverages and chocolate... mmmm!

  4. Emily:

    Seems like you have enetered a period of contentment and deep satisfaction.

    I like your photos of the Asters as they lose their ivory, fluffy seed heads, exposing a semi-glossy star-shaped base.

    Also, the Goldenrod Ball Gall holds a tiny larva that is good bait for ice fishing.


    1. My favorite thing about this reply, Richard, is that you've help me identify! As much as I love the nature world, I'm often at a loss for how to properly name it. Asters. Goldenrod Ball Gall. Perfect! Thank you.

  5. Love the photo of the birds; I look up at the sky a lot in the mornings when we're out with our dogs. There is a group of pigeons down the street that swoops around and around every morning. They are so graceful and lovely against the early morning light.
    I love this season and it sounds like you do, too.

    1. Yes, there is a certain quiet about the just-before-snow time that no other season does so well. Birds in the morning, that swooping: a type of air ballet. :)

  6. I too love winter, although it's almost all rain here. I leave summer behind with the relief of driving out of Las Vegas.

    1. I'm sure! After heat heat heat it, it is nice to have the purity of cold. It feels different in the lungs, doesn't it? Thanks for commeting, Murr!

  7. Thanks Emily, you have captured in a few words that sense of transition at this time of year, as we shift from light to dark, from inside to outside. It's a time that fascinates me, and one I've written about quite a bit: http://www.lancashirewritinghub.co.uk/2012/11/liminal-a-piece-of-creative-non-fiction-by-ian-hill/

    enjoy the warmth and the dark


    1. Ian, so happy that you shared this post with me. I love these lines in particular: "It is like the time when, falling into sleep, the mind is open to chance, to the arrival of the unbidden, to the benedictions of angels soft as a moth’s-wing touch; a time when death and life seem poised in a beautiful yet precarious balance." How true and well-said and particularly felt by me at this point in my life. And by the way, "liminal" has always been one of my favorite words.

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  9. emily, these pictures are gorgeous. especially that first one. snow has finally come here! wishing you a white and merry holiday season :)

    1. Thank you, Kelton. Same to you! We are currently in the middle of our first big snow event of the season, and all this crystalline white is a beautiful sight indeed.

  10. Love the photo of the geese flapping. It makes me want to say, "Winter is Coming," but that just reminds me of Game of Thrones or whatever, and I don't care about that. :) Anyway, this time of the year is all about cozy. It was raining here for four days straight, so it has been gloomy, and all I want to do is snuggle with a book. ... and some Oreos. :)

    1. :) Oh, Game of Thrones. My husband and I don't have a TV, but we definitely have a computer and Netflix. I like our movie marathons, and they remind me as much of cozy winter nights as anything. Hope your gloomy has turned to whitewhite and that you found both those cookies AND some ice cream.

  11. Stunning images! I'm ready for the blankets and cocoa as well. :)

    1. Thanks, Mrs. P. Currently spending my morning with both!

  12. These photos are so pretty :)


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