
This is just to say that the days are getting longer and our windows all are open, and the house feels thicker, full-lunged, porous, bare-kneed.

This is just to say that we skipped spring here, went straight to summer, sweaty t-shirts and pink brows, bicycles and bicycles and bicycles.

Mostly, though, this is to say that on the first hot day of this new season, I walked with my son to the lake where I'd told him it was time to arrive, and when we came home, for the first time in his life,

he laughed.


  1. Oh, this is so, so sweet. Here's to change. And laughter.

  2. Those first moments as a new mom are pure magic. The smile. The laugh. The crawling. The first step. I know you will savor every moment with your precious baby boy.

    What gorgeous eyes and look at all that hair. Cute. Cute. Cute.

    1. The firsts are magical, Audrey. I'm so glad both my husband and I were there to experience his burst of first giggles together. Pretty amazing how happy those little sounds made us. :)

  3. So sweet indeed. Record that little voice when you can and share. There is nothing better than the sound of laughter in children.

    1. Agreed! Before Elliot was born, if I was having a rough day, I used to go onto YouTube and watch "baby laughing" clips. Always did the trick! Now I can just pick up my boy and kiss him until he giggles. Yay!

  4. Ah, what a beautiful baby! Those eyes! :)

    1. I must agree with you. :) Thanks for reading along!

  5. Beautiful words, as ever.
    Beautiful boy too :)

  6. Beautifully written and a lovely photo - what gorgeous eyes.

    1. He has my hair and Papa's eyes. I'm sure every new mama swoons and swoons over these things, yes?

  7. Aw, Emily. Such a life-affirming time. Thanks for sharing your words and your boy. Love, love.

  8. The first laugh from a child is a most magical moment. And good for you that you are introducing your baby to the wonders of nature at such an early age.

    These are beautiful words Emily. This kind that can only be written by a new parent. Save them, they are as valuable as all of those early photos.

    One more thing, and I know you will agree, this is just about the cutest baby I've ever seen! What gorgeous blue eyes!

    1. Something I didn't anticipate with parenting was how careful you have to be with new babes in the natural world: too windy? too cold? too sunny? I'm sure at some point I'll just trust Elliot to give me signs about too this or that, but right now I'm being cautious, no matter how much I feel pulled to just go go go. Still, whether we are inside or out, the windows are open, and I love the look on his face when he feels the breeze. THE WORLD! What an amazing thing to be experiencing it for the first time.

      And yes: agree agree agree agree!

  9. Emily:

    Awwwww, his first laugh. The blessings of parenthood will continue to sprinkle upon you like a gentle spring rain. Your soul will be nourished as you nurture Elliot.


    1. You are so right, Richard. I'm discovering the truth in your words every day.

  10. You have realized that his photo and yours are nearly mirror images of one another? When he begins to smile, he's going to look even more like his mother - which ought to bring some delight and laughter to you.

    A beautiful photo, and just the right number of words to share your experience with us.

    1. I didn't notice the resemblance until a few days after I posted this, but now that you mention it, the two photos together make me feel all squishy inside. Both my husband and I have a hard time seeing ourselves in his face, although other people claim to do so easily. What I do see, though, is a sweetness I have a hard time looking away from.

      Thanks for reading, Linda.

  11. That has got to be the BEST baby picture ever! So cute.

  12. What a sweet face - and those eyes! Congratulations.

    Love your words on Mother's Day.



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