
Tonight I am not in London or Grindelwald or Strasbourg or Basel or the Alsace or Lahr. I am not in New York or LA. I am not in Costa Rica or Spain or over the rocky edges of Iceland. I am not in Chicago, or Montpelier, or even Minneapolis. I am not on the Chesapeake Bay.

Tonight I am here. My back pressed into pillows, a laptop under my fingers, the windows open open to the night that was yellow then orange then pink and now blue. There are clouds that look like hills, a sky that looks like ocean. There are lights in the distance from the ball park. There are shadows of birds flying toward nests. In the field, each individual blade of grass holds itself up, watching the last of the day slip west. 

I hold myself up. I watch this day, just as I've watched the others, sometimes from places very far away.  I think and I think and I feel and I remember and I imagine. The windows are open open. One star. Another. Fireflies. The moon. Breeze. Breathing. Baby noises. Husband's hand. 


  1. Great post, fantastic photo:) Greetings

  2. And this is life. To appreciate the moment, the scenery, the place where you are at this time. Beautiful post, Emily.

    1. Thank you, Audrey. I've had a good number of grand adventures in my life, and I'm thankful for all of them. I hope to have many, many more, too. But right now I am here. Trying to savor each sensation on the biggest adventure yet!

  3. As always you can describe a moment in life like no other! You are simply amazing.

    1. As always you are very kind. Cheers to you, Bill!

    2. Thank you for thinking I'm kind but really its more like recognition of very real and true talent. You are a one of a kind writer. Your pen and paper (or fingers to keyboard) takes the readers to unexpected places where they experience the inner most recesses of your thoughts. Not an easy thing to do. I look forward to everything that you write.

  4. Emily:

    Ahhh... very warm, cozy, and inviting. You are experiencing the comfort of family; the love of family. The deep awareness that comes through contentment.


    1. Yes. Contentment is an interesting feeling. A bit like floating on a calm summer lake, aware of the edges but free of them. Free to just be. That is what I want from this time in my life.

      Hope you are well, Richard!

  5. i like your pict !
    thank's for your information !


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