Words I Whisper

Hush. The light is fading.
Hush. The ducks are flying.
Hush. The smoke is sifting.

Hush. The moon is rising.
Hush. The owl is hunting.
Hush. The trees are creaking.

Hush. The fall is coming.
Hush. The fish are sleeping.
Hush. The sky is stretching.

Hush. The light is fading.
Hush. The light is falling.
Hush. The light is lightness.


  1. A beautifully written lullaby for our times, for any time ...

  2. A perfect lullaby, just right for whispering or singing - with any tune you please. It reminds me of the two lullabies my mother sang to me - "Sweet and Low", and "Hush Little Baby, Don't Say a Word".

    I went off to find them on YouTube, and found an absolutely unexpected, absolutely delightful little gem. Can you imagine Yo-Yo Ma and Bobby McFerrin joining up in a lullaby? Here it is.

    Now, I'm going to make up my own tune for your words and enjoy them again.

    1. Oh my, Linda. Love that link! I played it while Elliot was in the room, and I think I can go out on a limb here and say he enjoyed it also. (His favorite thing of late is anyone clapping their hands while music is playing.)

      Glad these verses brought you back to your childhood lullabies. I've discovered that where I am unable to find much time to actually write stories or essays recently, these little melodies spring up whenever I open my mouth to sing.

      Be well!

  3. Emily:

    Your words are satisfying and soothing. They fill the reader with contentment; especially during this transition time of year.



    1. Thanks, Richard. I find that, if I write, I'm writing in the evening, after Baby Boy is asleep, and as the sun is sinking. Definitely a meditative, contentment-filled time of day.

  4. Many apologies for my absence this summer from Landing on Cloudy Water, Emily. It's just been one of those seasons, it seems. So it's an especial delight to return this morning and see this beautifully simple lullaby for our times. So clear, so precise. Thank you for this lovely start to the day, and hope all is well with you and yours.

    Best wishes from here,

    1. No worries, Julian. I know how it goes! Thank you for taking a bit of what time you had today to stop over and leave this note, which was a pleasure to receive.

      Best to you!

  5. You should save this for eternity. So wonderfully written, captures the natural pulse of our wild world. Very meditative. This is simply beautiful. Should be set to music.

  6. This is so lovely. Your son is going to have to most wonderful lullabies from you.


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