Looking Up

Instead of forests,
this summer we are Big Sky
and pointed fingers.

(And it feels fine.)


  1. To see the world for the first time through the eyes of a child is a wonderful thing. :)

    1. So true. I get all gooey when he puts his nose fully inside a flower in order to get a good smell. To be that instantly immersed!

  2. My boys still looks for planes, seem to never outgrow it :-)

    1. Isn't that amazing? I swear he hears the airplane way before I ever would. Another thing that "growing up" has made me tune out. The world really is FULL of sound, horrayhorray. :)

  3. You are melting my heart with this sweet image. My boy just left this afternoon, flying back to Boston. :(

    1. I can't bear to think that far ahead just yet, Audrey. This summer is racing by... Hope you are enjoying yours!

  4. One of my favorite things to do as a child was to go with Daddy to the airport and watch the airplanes. In our time, we often could go even to our little airfield. It was still the just-post-WWII era, and the Civil Air Patrol still was active. It made me happy to think of all those people protecting our country.

    1. Wonderful memory, Linda. We have a small airport about ten miles away from us, and our closest park happens to be right in their decent flight path, so my boyo sees planes all the time. He loves it. And I love forming these memories of him, so small and in awe.

  5. My grandpa once took my brother and me to a parking lot near the Cleveland airport to watch planes take off and land. It was such a simple way to keep us occupied, and something I still remember today. Your post is lovely--thanks for sharing it!

    1. I have a similar memory, Melinda, although it takes place IN an airport when we were waiting to pick someone up from a flight. It always makes me a big sad that people have to wait down by baggage now days, but I suppose that's a small price to pay for safety (and that DELICIOUS airplane food :).

  6. Looking up into the vast wild blue yonder is pretty darned humbling. While others think the "the sky is the limit" I find that it the exact opposite.......limitless.


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