Winter :: Spring


  1. Full disclosure: these were taken in the fall.'s pretty much the same scene here right now. Another winter of minimal snow. Not complaining. But stark and strange and dreamy. Oh, Minnesota.

  2. I want to be standing under that full moon in that field. I think that's the sign of a good picture. :) Very pretty!

  3. Snow covering the ground here in southern Minnesota with fresh falling this past weekend.

    Beautiful, poetic images, as always, Emily.

    1. Yes, as soon as I posted these, the snow came. That is how it works in our dear state. :)

  4. My favorite is the last. I can just hear the grass whispering, "Goodnight, moon." We're in our yo-yo season. Warm, then cold, then warm again, until spring truly comes. There's nothing like living where the warmth of the Gulf and the cold north winds battle it out every year!

    In re: other matters, I woke up this morning not having a clue who won the Super Bowl. What was I doing while this prime cultural event was taking place? Why -- writing, of course.

    Happy spring, happy teaching and happy family to you.

    1. Ha! I was the exact same with the Super Bowl this year. Normally I'm not quite that oblivious, especially being surrounded by students who do care, but there has just been too much else to preoccupy me lately.

      Glad you like the photos. That moon! It brought me right up into the sky.

  5. beautiful photos in this and the previous post! Thanks for visiting my blog


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