Ajijic, Mexico: In Photos

We were lucky enough to travel to the Jalisco region of Mexico over my spring break this year. To say I was ready for another adventure that involved significant travel is an understatement, so I hope these photos give you a sense of the height of my wonder and gratitude. I love where I spend my every-day, but going elsewhere is like being given new eyes. I looked and I looked. More photos later (and yes, that little boy in the orange shirt racing the wind is my dear one). Viva!


  1. These are gorgeous! What a lovely trip to go on and how cool that your little boy gets to travel with you.

    1. I know -- the colors! And yes, we went to go visit his grandparents, so it was a perfect first trip for him. I've got quite the explorer over here.

  2. I want to be here. I love that tree of lavender flowers. How can that possibly be your "baby?"

    1. Those lavender flowers belong to jacaranda trees. Aren't they incredible? I felt like I was in a dream every time I looked at one. We were very lucky to be there while they were blooming. And my thoughts exactly about the baby-become-boy. He's all his own.

  3. Emily:

    I am happy for you and the way you experienced Mexico with your eyes, ears, and all your senses wide open. I especially liked to see your son "racing the wind". Viva! ~ Richard


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