June in July

  1. Bittersweet nightshade
  2. Eastern daisy fleabane (aster family)
  3. Some kind of lovely leaf -- who knows what this is???
  4. Daisy
  5. Creeping bellflower
  6. ?
  7. ?
  8. Some kind of grass ???
  9. Motherwort
  10. Clover
  11. ?
  12. Common mullein
  13. My boy, out in it all
Quite a few plants I couldn't identify this month, folks, so I need your help. What did I get right? What did I miss? Goodness, this world is a wild and beautiful place.


  1. We have several nightshades. The Texas nightshade (Solanum triquetrum) is shaped like yours, but the flower is white. And your aster might be one of the fleabanes. Otherwise, I'm stumped -- although I'd love to know what that white flower with the larger blossoms is. It's a stunner!

    Happy summer to you. It's hot-hotter-really hot here, but next comes August, and then September, and then we'll cool off in October!

  2. Third photo of leaf is hog peanut, a native woodland plant.Grass looks like reed canary grass, another native plant. Have a wonderful summer!

  3. Loving your photos :)

    xo E


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