in Latin: autumnus n French: automne in Italian: autunno in Spanish: otoño in Portuguese: outono in Arabic: خريف in Lakota: ptaŋyétu in Cebuano: t ingdagdag in Somali: d eyr in Greek: φθινόπωρο in Chechan: g üire in Thai: ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง in Persian: پاييز in Czech: podzim in Finnish: syksy in Japanese: 秋 in Chinese: 秋天 in Danish: efterår in Dutch: herfst in low German: h arvst in Old English: hærfest in Icelandic: haust Or, in Me: haystacks gravel-road drives dark earth and morning dried herbs acorns bonfires wild rice yelloworangeredbrown tractors and harvest time pomegranates warm cheese corners of swirling leaves dawn fog pumpkins auburn skies I see you, you see me thinner trees cheers from fields on Friday nights warm soup hearty bread fr...