- "The Things I Tell Myself One Year After Giving Birth" in Motherwell (February)
- "The View From Here" (republished) in Grub Street Review (February)
- "Apple" in The Comstock Review (March)
- "Thanks, but No" in A Harp in the Stars: An Anthology of Lyric Essays (Fall)
- "Metamorphosis" in Porcupine Lit (September)
- "What this English Teacher Wants High School Juniors to Know" (republished) in Grown and Flown (September)
- "Places and People and Things and Ideas" in Grub Street Literary Magazine (October)
- "This is My Oldest Story" (republished) in Creative Nonfiction (November)
- "When You Feel Endangered" in Saw Palm (February) -- Pushcart Prize nominee
- "In the Garden of Corn and Apples" in New South (March)
- "Ripple" in Lumina (April) -- Pushcart Prize nominee
- "The Whole Apparatus" in december magazine (May) - Curt Johnson Prose Award Finalist
- "The View From Here" in Grub Street Review (May)
- "Don't Turn Away" on the Firefly podcast
- "Hup" in Tahoma Literary Review (August)
- "A Teacher's Five Tips for This Year's High School Juniors" in The Washington Post (September)
- "To Be Held" in Creative Nonfiction's Sunday Shorts (September)
- "This Is My Oldest Story" in Creative Nonfiction's True Story (January) - Pushcart Prize nominee
- "Look At It Like This" in Up North Lit (February) - Best of the Net nominee
- "To Be Held" in Sweet (May) - Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee
- "Clean Lines" in Ninth Letter (July)
- "After London" in InstaProse (July)
- "Silence For The Sake Of Peace" in Atticus Review (January)
- "El Tobogan" in Under the Gum Tree (July)
- "Confluence" in Santa Fe Literary Review (August)
- "Tonic" in Mamalode (January)
- "First Leap to Learning to Read" in Brain,Child (March)
- "How It Slips Away" in Two Hawks Quarterly (May)
- "Hiking the Pipestone" in National Park Foundation blog (May)
- "I Am Still Here" in Hippocampus (August)
- "The Way They Welcomed Me" in Tribe (September)
- "Don't Turn Away" in River Teeth (September)
- "Spring Forward" in The Fourth River (September)
- "Preservation" in Armchair/Shotgun (October)
- "Seven" in Literary Mama (June)
- "Descant" in Midway Journal (July)
- "Octopus Eye" in Birmingham Arts Journal (August)
- "Hill People" in Split Rock Review (September)
- "The Geography of Sentences" in The Writer's Chronicle (March)
- "Landing: A Focus on Place in Our Flyover State" in Minnesota English Journal (May)
- "The Lake" in Minnesota Conservation Volunteer (June)
- "Dreaming" in The Talking Stick
- "On Bravery: Scott Russell Sanders" in A View From The Loft (November)
- "Deep Lake" in Orion (January)
- "The Luminary Loppet" in Minnpost (February)
- "The Heartland" in Minnpost (June)
- "Dreaming" in The Talking Stick
- "Dear Military Service Member" in The Talking Stick
- "Two Men I Never Met" in Writer's Block (September)
- "Red" in New Plains Review
- "Lessons in Sipping Slowly" in Dust and Fire
- "On Pop" in A View From The Loft (November)
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