A Minnesota Year


  1. How completely wonderful! An amazing way to capture the seasons, as well as a testament to how closely you've been looking. A year condensed into 3 minutes and 13 seconds...somehow it reiterates, for me, the importance of this record keeping. Hope you keep your eyes and ears open throughout the year to come! (But how could I think you'd do anything but.)

  2. Thanks, Robin! I liked the whole 3 minutes and 13 seconds part, too. What I like more are the flashes of memories that each photo brings me; I really did get outside this year! Even in the cold! Here's hoping this kind of intentionality stays with me for a long time.

  3. A wonderful review of the past year which I have thoroughly enjoyed. I hope that you stay with these efforts as the beauty, culture, and natural history of Minnesota is unique and irreplaceable. Thank you for your beautiful writing and interesting photographs that bring a hard to reach place close to home for many.

  4. Wonderfully evocative across the seasons to reach me over here. Although a recent fan of Landing on Cloudy Water I know I'll keep returning for the precise and inspiring prose and images that beautifully reveal a corner of the world. Many thanks... (and also to your husband for the gorgeous music that guided the photos through the year!).

  5. Bill and Julian -- Thank you, as always, for your kindnesses. Words are my first love, but I understand that images are sometimes even more powerful, thus this video. It's been fun to play around with both these past months. Thanks also for being such loyal readers!


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