Where I've Been (or, some links to new publications, including The Washington Post)

Right now, my two children are entertaining themselves in the playroom. I've spent the past twenty minutes lying in bed, listening to them in the midst of the relationship they share outside of me or my husband. Someday I will write about this, about the way it makes me feel suspended between lake and sky on a perfectly calm day.

But that is not the point of this post. I came here to craft a bit of a writing update:

In the spring, I had a string of print publications, including essays in Grub Street, Lumina, Saw Palm, and December Magazine (I was a finalist in a contest for this one), plus a short story in New South. None of these are available online, unfortunately, but they were fun to receive, hold in my hands, and share with the people I can hold hands with.

In the summer, I published an essay detailing my first experience with trapeze, called "Hup," in Tahoma Literary Review. You can hear me read it here (all my years of reading aloud to students helped in this regard), and starting tomorrow, it will also be available online for a short time.

A few weeks ago, the Washington Post published my essay about advice for this year's high school juniors. This was a big deal for me, and the absolute best part was the way I was able to share something I'd written with my students and hear from them that it mattered. 

And today, and old essay--the likes of which I would have written on this blog, which is probably why I thought of updating this space this morning--has been republished in Creative Nonfiction's Sunday Shorts series. Rereading it--this collection of words I wrote years ago--takes me right back to my first summer in this house, and it reminds me of one of the reasons I love writing: how it captures moments, and allows you to both relive them and understand them in new ways.

As most of you know, I've transitioned my sometimes-weekly in-the-moment writing to Instagram, so if you haven't caught up with me there, please do so. I'd love to hear what you think of the pieces I've linked to above, or just learn how you are, which, I hope, is well. 

It is now hours past when I first woke, and then discovered the mess the kids happily created in the playroom while I listened. They are fed now, and not yet dressed, but eager to get outside. I'm a lucky woman. Happy Sunday, friends.


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